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[GET] Enter The Niche + OTO Download

Enter The Niche + OTO Download

Enter The Niche + OTO Download
Enter The Niche + OTO Download

Here’s what it takes. You’ve got to…

  1. Find or create a quality lead magnet that’s accurate, persuasive, and well-monetized.
  2. Create graphics for this lead magnet.
  3. Create a squeeze page with an enticing headline, nice imagery, strong call to action, and opt-in form.
  4. Create a thank-you page that can get you paid right out of the gate.
  5. Create a welcome email that delivers your lead magnet and promotes a high-converting affiliate offer.
  6. Find loads of great, intelligently-placed affiliate offers to follow-up with.
  7. Create and load an email follow-up series that builds trust & rapport… and makes you ongoing money!
  8. Drive traffic to your funnel using well-researched, high-converting traffic methods. 

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